Dec 20, 2011 | Success Stories
Carlecia Gentry-Hoskins learned about Career Pathways through advertisements and decided to look into it and see if it was something that could help her achieve her goals. Mrs. Hoskins said her hardest struggles were providing childcare and developing good study habits. Career Pathways was able to help her with those barriers.
Dec 20, 2011 | Success Stories
DeLoris Baker was beginning to see her dream of completing her education being put on hold a second time until she saw an article in the newspaper about Career Pathways. At the time, this mother of four young adults was in between jobs, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to continue her education. Career Pathways assisted Ms. Baker by paying her tuition and providing books and gas vouchers for transportation assistance.
Dec 20, 2011 | Success Stories
Kathryn Ricks and her husband both worked at the LEVI factory for nine and a half years. When the plant closed, and they were laid off, Kathryn looked for other opportunities and found Career Pathways.
Dec 20, 2011 | Success Stories
In the fall of 2006, Melinda Sheard enrolled in Southern’s Asset Builders program and opened an Individual Development Account (IDA) to save for her education.