Housing Counseling

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Whether you’re looking for advice on credit, renting, or buying your first home, or you’re facing challenges such as default, foreclosure, or eviction, we have the experts and resources to help. Browse our regularly updated free advice columns and resources below at your own pace, or reach out to a HUD certified counselor today by clicking the list of HUD certified counselors in Arkansas and Mississippi or completing the form to have one of our counselors reach out to you.

Full list of Arkansas HUD Certified Counselors

Full list of Mississippi HUD Certified Counselors

Contact a Southern Bancorp Community Partners Counselor now

Housing Resources

Check back weekly for the latest on affordable housing tips and tricks. Sign up for tips sent right to your inbox below.

The Facts about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program

The Facts about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program

By Charlestien Harris The pandemic has caused major issues to happen especially with people’s financial well-being.  Housing is a significant part of most family budgets.  Right now, many people are struggling to keep food on the table and a roof over their...

Breaking Down Your Mortgage Payment

Breaking Down Your Mortgage Payment

By Charlestien Harris There are so many industry terms used in the home buying process that can be unfamiliar to the average consumer. One example commonly used by the mortgage lending industry is the acronym PITI.  PITI is an acronym for a mortgage payment that is...

Understanding the Benefits of the Homestead Exemption

Understanding the Benefits of the Homestead Exemption

By Charlestien Harris As a new homeowner or a first-time home buyer, one piece of important information that can be overlooked is the filing of the homestead exemption.  Any homeowner can suffer a major loss, like the loss of a spouse or other financial setbacks,...

10 Steps to Buying A Home

10 Steps to Buying A Home

By Charlestien Harris Purchasing a home is one of the most important decisions most people will ever make.  The length of time it takes to buy a home varies according to the readiness of a potential buyer.  For some it can take a few months, for others it...

Understanding a Reverse Mortgage

Understanding a Reverse Mortgage

By Charlestien Harris A lot of conversations have been happening around understanding how mortgages can be used as a financial tool to improve your financial health and possibly build your net worth.  So let’s dive in to get a better understanding of how a...

Why Home Inspections Are Important for Buyers and Sellers

Why Home Inspections Are Important for Buyers and Sellers

By Charlestien Harris In the excitement of buying or selling a home, people sometimes overlook an essential step in the process. However, it is very important that you schedule a home inspection whether you are the buyer or seller of a house. The inspection is an...

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Arkansas Foreclosure Fact Sheet (English | Spanish)

Arkansas Landlord and Tenant Law Fact Sheet (English | Spanish)

Looking for BEST Mortgage

More coming soon…

Contact a Housing Counselor

To contact Southern Bancorp Community Partners HUD Certified counselor and/or stay up to date on the latest housing counseling news and tips, complete the form below.

Asesoramiento de Vivienda

Si estas buscando asesoramiento sobre crédito, alquiler o comprar su primera casa, o si se enfrenta a desafíos como incumplimiento, ejecución hipotecaria o desalojo, tenemos los expertos y recursos para ayudar. Navega nuestro asesoramiento de artículos y recursos en su propio tiempo o si desea puede comunicarse con un consejero de vivienda aprobado por El Departamento de la Vivienda Federal y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) completando el formulario para que uno de nuestros consejeros se comuniqué con usted.

Lista completa de consejeros certificados de Arkansas HUD

Lista completa de consejeros certificados de Mississippi

Póngase en contacto con un consejero de Southern Bancorp Community Partners ahora

Si no vives en Arkansas o Mississippi,  Busque una agencia de asesorí­a de vivienda cerca de usted en lí­nea.

Recursos de Vivienda

Vuelva a consultar semanalmente para conocer los últimos consejos sobre viviendas asequibles. Regístrese para recibir sugerencias enviadas directamente a su correo electrónico.

Para ver los documentos en PDF, pulse el enlace azul.

Hoja de Juicio Hipotecario

Hoja de Información sobre inquilinos y arrendadores de Arkansas

Cómo comprar una casa

Cómo Prepararse Para Comprar Vivienda

Cómo preparar sus finanzas antes de comprar una casa

Tendremos más información pronto….



Comuníquese con un consejero de vivienda

Para ponerse en contacto con el consejero certificado de HUD de Southern Bancorp Community Partners y  mantenerse actualizado sobre las últimas noticias y consejos de asesoramiento sobre vivienda, complete el formulario.