The direct benefits of direct deposit

A couple of weeks ago, we touched on the importance of having both a checking and a savings account. We mentioned that having your money in two separate places was key to seeing it grow. But what we didn’t touch on was the way your money gets into those accounts...
Saving Time and Money at Tax Time

Saving Time and Money at Tax Time

As we continue talking about tax time and ways to save, one thing that we’ve left out of the conversation is the complexity we all face when trying to fill out our tax forms. We have to gather up all of our documents (most of which don’t arrive at the same time) and...
Checking vs Savings: The Showdown

Checking vs Savings: The Showdown

We’ve recently written about two ways to help folks save more at tax time. One is to split your tax refund – put some of your refund into a savings account and some into a checking account; the other is to be encouraged to “pledge to save” before even doing your...

A little “nudge” can do us good

We’ve all been nudged before. But did you know there are different types of nudges? Behavioral economists (those folks who look at why we make the choices we make with our money) have their own definition: “a subtle policy shift that encourages people to make...
Happy Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day!

Happy Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day!

President Ronald Reagan called the federal Earned Income Tax Credit ’the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.”  This Friday, January 26, 2018, is Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day.  Nationally, an...