Money Smart Small Business: Guide to Presenting


All Banking Basics Credits and Loans Employment and Small Business Adults Over 50 Youth Housing Scams and Security Spanish Teaching Financial Education

Filename Guide-to-Presenting.pdf
Filesize 100.40 KB
Version 1
Date added February 10, 2017
Downloaded 995 times
Category All, Employment and Small Business, Teaching Financial Education
Tags FTC, Money Smart, SBA

This guide provides guidance on how to present the modules easily and effectively. Please read this guide carefully before presenting a module.

While small business owners may be well versed in the technical and procedural aspects of their businesses, they often lack sufficient knowledge of the financial aspects of their businesses. As a result, many small businesses fail, not because the small business owner is not a talented practitioner of his or her trade or profession but because he or she is ill-equipped to handle the day to day financial aspects of the business.

The purpose of Money Smart for Small Business is to provide small business owners or entrepreneurs considering establishing a small business with a basic understanding of the financial aspects of running a small business. The curriculum is structured similar to that of the FDIC’s Money Smart curriculum for consumers.

1 file.