Debt Getting in Your Way?


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Filename CFPB_YMYG_Debt_booklet_20170926.pdf
Filesize 842.81 KB
Version 1
Date added January 17, 2018
Downloaded 1198 times
Category Banking Basics, Credit and Loans, Savings

Is debt getting in the way of your goals? My debt picture can help you find a start.

What is debt?
Debt is money you owe. Whether you took out a loan, used a credit card, or got behind on a bill payment, it’s debt. When debt feels like a barrier to your goals it can be hard to face, but it’s important to remember that you’re not in it alone. These tools can help you take the first step. You can:
  • Use them in any order.
  • Capture a picture of what you owe, decide which debts to pay first, or set some new goals.
  • Use them to help get a handle on your payments and cut down on stress from growing debt.
  • The small steps you choose to take can lead to big changes.
You can fix this; we can help.
1 file included.
Source: CFPB